
I will help you and your business reach the next level

Tracker Daniela

20+ successful cases
Tracker - who is this?

Tracker is a specialist in multiple business growth and personal development of executives

An expert in management, time management, psychology and business diagnostics who forms the direction (track) to achieve your objective.  Focuses you on the goal and helps you not to skip tasks

Focus on the goal

The tracker will help you define your goal and understand in what direction to go. Recognize the main problems that prevent you from reaching your goal, and develop a clear plan to achieve it

Save your time

The tracker will help the entrepreneur to clearly formulate an important task, to focus on its solution and not be distracted, achieving results

Tracker task

Often an entrepreneur spends a lot of money and effort, but gets no results and cannot understand what he is doing wrong. And only when he starts working with the tracker does he switch from operational work to real business problems

An entrepreneur knows what to focus on, but understanding and doing are not the same thing. There are habits that are hard to change

The main task of the tracker is to help in time to solve problems that hamper the effective operation or scaling of the project
Diagnostic consultation
45 min
  • Recognize your issues and problems that are holding you back from your goal
  • Identify your growth points
  • Determine which direction to go in
Cost until the end of the month
Personal support
from 1 month

At the idea stage:

  • Define the target audience
  • Formulate a value proposition
  • Launch the first sales

At the stage of project development:

  • Find a scalable sales channel
  • Attract investment
  • Find growth points within the product
Cost until the end of the month
Full Professional Consultation
1-2 hours
  • Define the focus, set priorities
  • Break down the causes of failures
  • Formulate hypotheses to get results
Cost until the end of the month
Receiving a request

Receipt of a request from an entrepreneur and statement of purpose

Getting ready for work

Determination of constraints and resources for solving the entrepreneur’s problem

Working with hypotheses

Forming and testing hypotheses. We test 4 to 10 hypotheses in a month, quickly and cheaply


We draw conclusions in order to understand which changes to implement in the company and how. And we start to implement it!

How long does it take?
Weekly meeting

Meeting once a week for 1-2 hours: discuss results of last week, identify a request for a new one, get insights, generate hypotheses

Ongoing support in messenger

Discussion of current tasks in messenger: giving feedback, answering questions, checking intermediate results

Tracksheet once a month

Fixing joint victories, achievements. Reconciling goals and milestones

My goal is your success My goal is your success My goal is your success My goal is your success My goal is your success
My goal is your success
I will teach you how to package your business properly to make it easier to attract investment and pitch. My experience with products and corporations has created a symbiosis useful to entrepreneurs. I would love to help you and your business!
I know what problems arise at different stages of business development, recognize their pain and understand how to help
Who I am

Entrepreneur, Product Owner

Started out as a programmer, became an executive in an IT company at age 20

UN Delegate

Vice President of Corporate Relations at ESTIEM

Nominated for Hermann Gmeiner award

Certified trainer in soft skills and time management

Founded and successfully sold two startups

I'm tech savvy.

I automate everything I see, invest 110% in your bottom line

I get you out of your routine

I teach you how to relax and get out of your routine. I take the chaos out of your life and increase your personal effectiveness

I will increase your time

I increase the number of hours in a day, and you will have time for important things

I choose a comfortable work format.

24/7 support. Working with me is as easy as talking with a friend

Mobile App

Recognized as a successful practice in preparing young people for independent living

Scaling up: entered a new Western market

Finalist for the Rada Awards 2019 Youth Awards

Winner of Youth Power’s Youth Initiatives Competition


Service took 3rd place on the market by number of users

About 5 000 unique users visit the site per working day (Belarus)

Increase daily retention by 40%

Achieved LTV/CAC = 4/1

Cloud-based AI platform

Raised $1M in investment

Integrated EMBLE into 84 racetracks in Europe and 12 West

Increased the company’s valuation twofold


Increased purchases by 40%

Increased Retention by 22%

Opened in 8 new cities

Mudra Art Studio
Beauty Studio


Opened new studios

Four-fold increase in season ticket sales

Online store

Systematized business

The owner got out of operating processes

Sales grew by 3 times


Rocked the personal brand

Increased customer loyalty by 40%

Increased profit by 2 times

Venture capitalist

Developed a personal time-management

Strike a balance between work and personal life

Optimized networking

IT Childhood
Online IT school

Raised $20K in investments

Go global

Increased profit by 4 times

Good Nutrition Production

Opening production in the capital 

Sales grew by 6 times

The winners of the «Number One» award for nutrition delivery


Opened new training areas

Increased the number of employees

Attracted about 200 new students

Your Growth
Academy of Development

Opened new training areas

Increased the number of employees

Attracted about 200 new students

Mart School
Private School

Opened online classes

Increased the number of employees

Increased revenue by 40%

Build bicycle parking garages

Built 3 garages

Entered the Finnish market

Sales grew by 5 times

Apiary Scales

Raised $8K in donations

Expanded production

Increased revenue by 20%

Customer testimonials
Customer testimonials
Customer testimonials
Customer testimonials
Customer testimonials
Any questions?
Don't worry! Sign up for a free diagnostic consultation where I will diagnose your business. The format of the talk is 45 minutes online
You will have the opportunity to test the format and decide if it suits you or not
Contacts &
Request Form

Phone for contact: +375(33) 615-46-33
E-mail: daniela@itracker.by

    Contact to make a choice


    Diagnostic consultation

    Personal support

    Full Professional Consultation

    Contact to make a choice

    2022 © itracker